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Digestive friendly root with as Universal Medicine Ginger

As world most versatile and widely used cultivated spice based on natural health remedy. You know according Ayurveda Ginger basically belong to turmeric family originated in tropical rainforest in southern Asia.

As many research and recent one in last few year proves as best medicinal properties for digestive and weight loss. It also revived by Dr. Robert Keith that medical journal Lancet 1982 reported to be dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) and to  a placebo against motion sickness  was again revised on Denmark  naval cadet in open sea as search has proved taken 1g ginger every 4hours reduced tendency to vomiting and cold sweating significantly  then placebo.

PubMed has publish list over 1700 research paper on ginger saying important properties which included antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic,  anti-diabetic and anti-cancer.

Benefits of ginger as universal drug are unlimited following are proven facts as per researches:

  • Settle stomach issues
  • Soothes migraines
  • Reduces a motion sickness
  • Reduces joint pain and relieves arthritis
  • Successful in killing cancer cell treats a variety of cardio vascular conditions.
  • Lower blood sugar and increases insulin release
  • Slows down DNA damage
  • Effective in treating asthma
  • Reduces cough and cold

Formation consume in following recipe are best ginger use:

  • Ginger lemon tea

Grind 2-in ginger + 25  to 30 leaves tulsi leaves, Add to 45 cups boiling water let of flame for 3mins strain add 1tsp lime juicy + jiggery.

  • To reduce of cold

Mix 4tsp Ginger juice + 4tsp honey +2tsp lemon juice+warm water as per you preference or no water.

  • Aids digestive issue

Peel skin cut ginger into small piece , soak in honey in a bottle cover and keep in sun for 12 days Consume 2-4 piece every morning.

  • Helps purify blood

Extract ginger store in refrigerator for 5to 6 days or mix 2tsp ginger +2tsp honey, Consume every morning on empty stomach.

  • To cure back pain

Add spoonful of ginger juice to some olive oil and massage it into skin leave over night and was off morning.

  • For joint pain

Dry ginger powder mixed in warm seasame oil warm this oil massaged all over body to relieve body pain.

  • To increase sperm count

Ginger increase sperm count and increase libido so recommend to drink ginger tea in a morning it best herbal ayruvedic remedy for erectile dysfunction almost  all preparation used in Vajikaran therapy contain this herb.

  • For women menstrual pain and cramps

Best medicine to consume ginger during period and just before date any form or mix with lemon said to be pain reliever and lessens cramps a lot.

CAUTION : ginger should not be used in skin diseases, anemia, urine related problem as it has hot tendency to retaliate. That way said to be using less in summer and autumn.

Ginger important goes way back when It was exported to Europe via India in first Century A.D. as result of lucrative spice trade used extensively by Roman. It name vishwabheshaj in Sanskrit explain its usefulness meaning medicine which is useful in almost all diseases like a common content materials with many combination for curing ailments ginger can be used dry or form as fresh it known as Adrak and prior one as’ suntha’ or’ south’.

Best useful tonic is for children’s health, balanced weight, detoxification, stress, sleep and for men sperm count and libido.

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