Saturday , October 5 2024


We concentrate on health and fitness is as important also all work and no play makes Johny dull isn’t  yes in every contest of being. We need to keep proper work out as per our body requirements. Too much is as bad as too little. Because if exceed in exercise more than it can imbalances metabolism making yourself and your body used to it takes time. Here today will discuss something on hypertension.


Too bad that 1out of every 5person in approx to are close to hypertension or are suffering from it, having daily to deal with fast track world every one surrounds us are fighting to keep pace this gives less time to body need which results inactive. So life style modification can bring in a lot of changes.

You take on with yoga as it helps the body to give command centrally through with various poses to calm down hyper activity and relaxed which basic need for the body to fight hypertension.

These are yoga poses which can be helpful to you in more than  you can start doing daily fitting in your routine helps a lot.

About india one

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