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With Manhattan terror attack president orders extreme investigation on incoming travellers

WASHINGTON: President Trump orders on Tuesday saying to be more vigorous on the critical investigation of travellers coming Into US as this incident was following the first deadly attack in New York blamed on terror since 11 September 2001.Trump tweeted “I have just ordered Homeland Security to step up our …

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If you are NRI OR NRI Status holder soon PPF account is halved

New Delhi: As your residency status changes to non-resident Indian (NRI) if you holding Public Provident Fund (PPF) and National Savings certificate (NSC) accounts will now be deemed to be closed as your PPF account in such case will earn 4% while NSC account will feed you the rate given …

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Versatile Indian actor also popular in Hollywood would soon be seen in Amazon – the ministry

Mumbai: The video stream giant Amazon has set to release political satire series “The Ministry” which will be worldwide on Amazon prime video. Irrfan khan is set star in this series, as Irrfan all popular recognized names in Hollywood too will play a wash-up narcissistic Bollywood actor who is unwittingly …

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Jagmeet Singh statement on self-determination open cans of worms

Jagmeet Singh Canadian leader earlier this week opened a lot controversy with his comment in Quebec said he considers self-determination to be a “basic right” for the people to exercise in places such as Punjab, Catalonia, Basque or Quebec. Canada: Jagmeet Singh was on introductory tour of Canada after his …

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The plastic surgeons of America society honors Dr. Gosain with president post

Dr. Gosain recognized figure among PSF (Plastic surgeon Foundation) which is international foundation has honored Arun Gosain as the President. The PSF also supports research and international activities of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Dr. Gosain received his bachelor’s degree from Princeton University in Biology, graduating Magna Cum …

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Second time Jeff Bezos of Amazon takes the place of world richest person

As the stock of Amazon lift up the arrow with 8% hike on Thursday closing adding nearly $7billion to the account of Bezos’s net worth. New York: Amazon stock got 8% higher while Microsoft’s stock got 7% overnight spike this gave Bezos ahead of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Forbes …

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Indian born currently American Pharmaceutical billionaire charged of nation conspiracy

John Nath kapoor, 74 old well- known philanthropist, current member of Board of directors of the pharmaceutical company Insys Therapeutics.  An Indian-American pharmaceutical  billionaire was charged with leading a nationwide conspiracy in the US by bribing doctors to over-prescribe a potent opioid to patients and committing fraud on insurance firms …

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Common urges among men and women, what supplement can add to your sex drive?

Any species created and present on earth that sum of the structural, functional and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females. As we say every species perform act means bird to animals to human race, all …

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Significant Indian Political Character – Kejriwal ‘An Insignificant Man’

The documentary on Arvind Kejriwal censor broad struck movie first view of trailer out released day set to be on November 17 named as “An insignificant man”. Mumbai: The official trailer of documentary film based on journey of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal a political drama, chronicles the meteoric rise …

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Yogi Presence at Indian 17th century monument Taj Mahal came as Big Surprise

Since the Taj Mahal has been in controversy, Yogi’s visit to Taj Mahal Agra on Thursday came as something look upon making of the point from BJP candidate as it being Muslim monument were least BJP leader has ever visited. Agra:  UP CM Yogi’s visit today came up as surprise …

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