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Home / News / Blastings attack a Russian base in Crimea, while Ukraine targets supply routes.

Blastings attack a Russian base in Crimea, while Ukraine targets supply routes.

Russia accused sabotage of explosions at one military outpost in Moscow-annexed Crimea. At the same time, Kyiv implied it was to blame, with Ukrainian authorities saying their strategy was to damage supply lines supporting Russia’s incursion.

According to Russian officials and news media, the explosions on Tuesday consumed a munitions storage at a military facility in the north of the Crimean peninsula, halting trains and forcing the evacuation of 2,000 residents from a nearby village.

According to Russia’s Kommersant newspaper, smoke plumes were detected at a second Russian military base in central Crimea. Last week, explosions at a Russian military air facility in western Crimea damaged eight jets.

The blasts at the munitions store on Tuesday were “the consequence of sabotage,” according to Russia’s defense ministry. The Crimean peninsula, which Moscow acquired in 2014, serves as the primary supply route for Russian forces in southern Ukraine and as a base for the Russian Black Sea fleet.

Ukraine did not confirm or deny blame for the explosions, but its authorities congratulated Russia on its defeat.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy urged Ukrainians to avoid Russian military bases and ammunition warehouses, saying various factors, including negligence, might have caused the explosions.

But they all mean the same thing – the destruction of the occupiers’ logistics, their ammunition, military, and other equipment, and command posts save the lives of our people,” he said in an evening address.

According to footage shown on Russian official television, a power substation caught fire during Tuesday’s explosions. Seven trains were delayed, and rail activity on a section of the line in northern Crimea was interrupted, according to Russia’s RIA news agency.

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