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Health & Fitness

Anti-aging you can certainly fight back

Actually we can’t stop natural process of aging but we can certainly put best efforts and manage to reduce the effect of aging by much remedial and certain exercise which helps for glowing healthy skin look. These signs of aging are graying of hair, dry and wrinkled skin, dark circles …

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Kings of spice

Pepper (Kali Mirch, kala mari) Black pepper is warming spice having a pungent taste, aromatic, flavouring ingredient. Having used from ancient to the modern western world in whole or ground or cracked in the day to day seasoning and cooking. It contains lots of potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin K and …

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We concentrate on health and fitness is as important also all work and no play makes Johny dull isn’t  yes in every contest of being. We need to keep proper work out as per our body requirements. Too much is as bad as too little. Because if exceed in exercise …

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Ready to join me on a tour of basic kitchen ingredients

Let me give insight on another two they are as essential as any and benefits are vast spread unlimited to the page but this much basic will also help you gain its benefit in day to day. (1) Coriander  seeds (Dhaniya) Coriander seeds are those round light inside pokal, seed …

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A  body that is healthy can right through wealthy. It just not contests but it seems that as fit you can be you achieves much more than an unhealthy one, first and fore most it affects your working capacity means makes you LAZY. Yes, it is seen in 80% population …

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Basic HERBS from kitchen keeps doctor away

We often take food with ingredients inside which helps one or other to rejuvenate our body keep healthy, boost energy level, protect our internal organs as well as external body parts. Ayurveda has been connected with this basic kitchen ingredient and has clinically proven that not only they are important …

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