Sunday , February 23 2025


A  body that is healthy can right through wealthy. It just not contests but it seems that as fit you can be you achieves much more than an unhealthy one, first and fore most it affects your working capacity means makes you LAZY. Yes, it is seen in 80% population to be getting lazy with ill health. Remaining 20% are those having with strong will power nothing affects them as much their mind is controlling their common exercise are those which are easy in accessible by any person can perform with less stress on how to get it right.

This is dive bombers pose exercise done even in military training session easy to do work wonder when done perfectly. Yet to think you can do it is the way to success. Frist try to get on pose shown on your right-hand side then slowly concentrating on your nose try to lower your body as to support with hands hip should remain high as shown in middle figure then try to get yourself in plight position as like getting under the rod. Supporting position shown in the last picture on your left-hand. Finally, do the reverse of do get back in normal position. These help to strengthen the chest, shoulder, triceps, hamstring, lower back.

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