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Include fruit in food regime to have healthy fit body

We all know how fruits are essential and have lot of benefit to our daily life but few here especially searched one

which can be helpful, consume full or in juice form can benefit a lot more than we know about. In Today’s life style were we are in hurry to grab any fast or junk food which proves adversary to body in many ways than one. Most common problem is of overweight or obese. Being overweight or obese is not only getting your body out of shape but also leads to various other health problems.

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Increased Blood pressure
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Breathing problems
  • Gynecological problems
  • Cancer

As fruits and vegetables not only maintain overall health but also reduce your weight significantly important ones are;

  • Apple

Apple is considered to be doctoring what that saying an apple a day keeps a doctor away. Apple is also considered as one of the best fruit for weight loss. Any one green or red both varieties are rich in dietary fiber, low in calories that what makes them perfect fat burner they perfect option for snacks or lunch as they high concentration fiber increases satiety and helps in keeping you fuller for longer making it a perfect food for preventing mindless cravings that is observed throughout the your working day.

  • Avocado

Every one now health benefit of avocado and well-known fruit in health segment, high in calories yet most is monounsaturated oleic acid that boosts metabolism converting fat into energy. As they rich source of fiber and protein that keep you satiated for longer time apart from it has omega 9 fatty acid presents in avocados in reducing LDL cholesterol and increase of HDL cholesterol in blood. Potassium present creamy fruit prevents water retention that also helps in weight loss.

  • Blueberry

All types of berries have amazing benefits for health when it comes to weight loss blueberries seem to be most effective. Catechins present in blueberries trigger the function of fat burning genes that target abdominal fat and also help in burning overall fat. Berries are rich in antioxidant phytonutrients that neutralizes the effect of free radical and oxidative stress and prevents the appearance of sign of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines So never to forget to take handful of these delicious berries in you yogurt or smoothie and fight the bulge in healthy way.

  • Grapefruit

This known tropical fruit has amazing fat burning capacity that helps in losing weight in a healthy way. Research show that eating 13weeks continuously that to half grapefruit each day will end up 20 pound weight loss. The antioxidant antigen in present in the bittersweet fruit promotes the live to break down fat and increase insulin sensitivity. Its low in calories and also high in fibers that help to keep fuller for longer time and consuming in morning before breakfast also good sign to increase metabolism which speeds up the fat burning process.

  • Pear

This one leading fruit for weight loss toping all others, rich source of dietary fibers, it takes the time to be digested, that way it makes you fuller for longer and controls hunger and cravings for unhealthy snacks. Rich content in Potassium present in fruit helps in lowering the level of cholesterol in blood that in turn helps in improving cardiovascular health, high concentration of pectin in pear acts as a natural diuretic that helps in flushing out excess water from the body that also helps in weight loss.

  • Pomegranate

Pomegranates work effectively in weight loss as loaded with antioxidant polyphenols   that boost the metabolism and speed up process of fat burning in the body. Exceptionally rich in fibers that helps in keeping you satiated for a longer time. Its  reduces the level of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and increase the level of HDL healthy cholesterol that helps in improving cardiovascular health. On important benefit of pomegranate juice also helps in purifying the blood and flushing out harmful toxins.

  • Raspberry

Raspberries are most effective  fat burning fruits that helps  in increase metabolism contains substance known as ketones that promote breakdown in cell and helps in reducing overall body fat and deep internal belly fat. Raspberries are a rich sources of antioxidants, fibers, vitamin Band C folic acid and mineral such as iron, copper, magnesium etc. that are extremely beneficial for health.

  • Pineapple

If you having severe craving for sweet treat or dessert, and cant able lose weight try this out. Pineapple refreshing and juicy fruit that will satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way. High fiber that keep you satiated for longer while the compound brome lain preset in pineapple boost metabolism and speed up fat burning. In addition to it pineapple is  natural remedy for digestive disorder, that helps in relieving  upset stomach, gas, bloating and heartburn.

  • Melon

This juicy fruit also control you cravings for desserts in perfect healthy way. Both watermelons and cantaloupes are low energy density foods that helps in filling you up while adding only a few calories. Being rich in potassium, vitamin A and Vitamin C it helps in boosting the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and kidney stone. IT also helps in keeping the body hydrates as are considered best burning fat fruit.

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