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Party hangover go side by side so now what to do with it

Well celebration of year ending to Christmas to weekend party or long last buddy meets any celebration are not completed with toss to make isn’t it. Now comes problem of controlling intake of alcohol and if it doesn’t happen they it but natural to lead way to, Hangover ,a result from heavy drinking, but now if it’s party time certainly there is will hard drink with various level of alcohol present. Every person has different level of capacity to handle alcohol as everybody differs considering other aspects. You cannot totally get rid of from your body the alcohol and its effect in just few hours as whole body system need to rejunivates after consumptions of such hard drinks even if taken in moderate quantity. But you can limit alcohol effect on the body and also the later situation with hangover management.

  • We know to cleanse and rehydrate your body, water is best source but drinking water while you’re out boogying and a bit when you get back will help to make sure you stay hydrated. The main reason you get headaches from hangover is because you don’t have enough water in your system; the other organs in your body will steal supply from your brain causing it to shrink and cause owies and upsets in your head. Anyway, all the more important to making sure you’re hydrated beforehand if you’re only going to throw it all away later
  • You probably know that mixing different types of alcohol never really ends well in the hangover stakes. Because different types of alcohol have different level of congeners as well as other chemicals, they’ll all have a slightly different effect on you. Add it all together and the result is a mixed up mess and a banging headache. Pick your poison of choice and stick to it!
  • We all know that pacing yourself and drinking some soft drinks is a smart idea, but be careful what you choose kids. Drinking fizzy drinks will actually speed up the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into your system and so rather defeat the point. And, before you ask, this also applies if the alcoholic drink your gluging is fizzy too. So a vodka orange or apple juice would be a better choice than a vodka coke mixer, for example.
  • Your first thought will probably be to reach for some painkillers, and it’s not a bad shout as they will help with your headache – just make sure to pick the right ones. The most effective is ibuprofen, but only the recommended dose. Aspirin will do the trick in relieving a headache, but it can soon wreak havoc if you’ve got a sensitive stomach and potentially make you feel sicker. Ideally, if you’re still functioning before you slump into bed after a big night, knock back an ibuprofen with a cup of water to help you along.
  • Dehydration is the biggest reason you feel so crap. Water will help, but isotonic drinks like Lucozade Sport and Powerade go another step. These can work wonders on hangovers, as they’re designed to replace sugars and salts quickly. They’ll give you energy and rehydrate you. If you’re really in a bad way, take a Dioralyte sachet. Yes, we know them for treating diarrhea (which you may well have) but being hangover puts your body in a similar position with depleted salts and minerals.
  • A glass of fruit juice helps by giving you a sugary kick and energy, as well as getting rid of the toxins in your body whilst replacing some of the essential minerals you’ve lost. Milk will work well to replace the calcium you’ve lost, while ginger tea (or even just ginger on its own) can help with nausea. Another option is drinking milk thistle tea, which is said to be a hangover godsend. Boiled water with honey and lemon will also help boost your blood sugar and vitamins.

Go back to bed. A hangover isn’t caused by lack of sleep, but that makes it worse. Take a long nap the day after:  It’s the body’s way of healing itself.

Between snoozes, rehydrate and restore with this globally used one tested remedy. It returns starch, sugar, sodium, and potassium to your depleted system.

  • Stir 1 teaspoon of salt and 8 teaspoons of sugar into 5 cups of distilled water.
  • Whisk in ½ cup orange juice or ¼ cup mashed banana.
  • Sip the mixture slowly throughout the day, storing it in a cool place. It’s good for 24 hours.


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