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Tag Archives: India

#MeTOO Movement – The Aftermaths

#MeTOO Movement

#MeTOO movement The #MeTOO movement has opened a lot of cans of worms. It perfectly paints the picture of “What happens if the meeks get enraged?” Gone are the days when women/men are patient and long-suffered in silence. It is the time to start punishing the predators and be pertinent …

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Us origin IBM but has more operating control in India

Over last decade IBM has it’s of gravity have more to be in India than US, IBM and dominate early days of computing world with notable invention of floppy disk. Bengaluru: IBM has offices and factories, starts from upstate of New York to Silicon Valley, were hubs of American innovation …

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Indian Diplomat raised Terrorism issues pointing Pakistan in UNGA

Well, know diplomat Eenam Gambhir and External minister of India Sushma Swaraj taking a hard stand on Pakistan labelling it ‘Terroristan’ Bold statement from two leading Indian powerful pack women in presence of world leaders. New York Sep22: Eenam Gambhir first Secretary in the parliament mission of India to UN …

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Pm Modi stamp 67th birthday with dedicating 56 years old foundation stone laid Sardar Sarovar Dam second largest in world

Yes the biggest dam  after US Grand Coulee will finally ready ,On 17th September Pm Modi will inaugurate newly constructed gates gifting nation Sardar sarvor dam at Kevadia in Gujarat which happens to be PM 67th birthday. Finally completion of Sardar Sarovar Dam on Narmada river the Government of Gujarat …

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The unimaginable beauty on hilltop within laps of nature, guaranteed you won’t forget ever – Gangtok.

Gangtok in the local language itself called as hill top a beautiful with surreal beauty and peace as your time will really standstill here. An unusual town nestled among cloud peak of the eastern side of Himalayan known as Kanchenjunga range which visible from any part of the city and …

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India boosts women empowerment Nirmala Sitharaman appointed defence minister taking charge priorities military preparedness.

Nirmala Sitharaman appointed by PM Modi, assumes charges as Defence minister in South block on Thursday in presence of predecessor Arun Jaitley. In short statement after taking over Nirmala Sitharaman said focus would be on Military preparedness, resolving longstanding  defence issues, ’Make in India ‘and the welfare of soldiers and …

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