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Travels from mind cover the whole body-stress

Nothing can be as important as a fresh healthy mind, it’s said that 70% is the thinking which makes us unhealthy and unfit. What is stress is a response to pressure or threat common term? But it triggers a surge of a hormone called adrenaline that temporarily affects the nervous system. Stress can be from any age children do have as much as an older generation. It necessary for the body to cope with stress or body pick up to’ fight or flight’ path which gives result in the entire body system.

Instead of high-intensity workout opt for this yoga to benefit you. However, first, to always sleep well cutting on good night sleep to short will wear you out and do more harm. Learn to listen to your body and its symptoms. If you push to work out hard your body certainly going to rebel. Only push your body when it takes as much as it can while tired stressed out take it easy. Being tune into your body need will pay off in long run

CHILD POSE(Balaasan)

It calms your mind relieves stress helps blood circulation. Benefits you with deep relaxation relieves even constipation and calm down nerves system. It tones the pelvic muscles, regulates the functioning of adrenal glands. Child pose calms body and mind spirit and stimulates third eye point when your forehead touches mat below while you bend.

NOTE: Don’t do if you have knee or back injury recently. A pregnant woman should avoid. And if you suffer from diarrhoea.



LEGS UP THE WALL (Viparit karni):  It relieves tired leg muscles .Hanging out with your legs up the wall in one of the best ways to help drain tension from leg feet or hip after a long-haul of a day. It said to be super calming for the nervous system. As it restorative poses low blood to circulate  to every part of the body. Help relieves any ailment.

Precaution: This asana is a mild inversion and therefore it must be avoided during menstruation. Also to avoid it if have a severe problem of glaucoma.


CAT POSE (MARJARYASAN): As stress is a common factor all over world cat pose is one of the most widely used methods of stress relief. It’s important to get it right and proper pose for maximum effect. Cat pose stretches in middle to upper back and shoulder that way relaxes back muscles giving body calmness. And while inhaling and exhaling during this asana gives excess blood flow in the body. Thus also benefit spinal flexibility and abdominal strength.

Precaution those who had recent or chronic back pain or injury should caution while doing or avoid altogether. But it is most effective if yoga poses stress relief.




FORWARD POSE (Uttanasan):  Forward or Uttanasa combines benefits of forwarding folds and inversion. Dropping head below your heart calms your brain. This helps to relieve stress, headaches anxiety, fatigue mild depression insomnia. When you bend it open hips and can relieve tension in the neck and lengthens your hamstring and calves. As Uttanaasan meaning goes intense stretch pose, try to do it relaxing way pushing to have your body it will seek intense experience.




DOWNWARD POSE(ADHO MUKHASAN):  Even if not attend yoga class without tutor you can do this Dog pose(adho Mukhasan). If done properly consistently most noticeable and beneficial, Decreased anxiety, deepened respiration. Increase full body circulation, decrease in back pain by strengthening entire back and shoulder girdle, decreases tension and headaches by elongating the cervical spine and neck and relaxing the head.

Important: Since the head is lower than hips and inversion are great for increases blood flow to brain and eyes. And stimulates the nervous system, helps with memory and concentration.



CORPSE(SAVASAN): Don’t underestimate this pose it is as difficult as easy. Difficult to concentrate certain time when your brain is on delving. It  is called most difficult because when you start practicing savasana struggle to relax in the pose you lie there feeling tense staring at the ceiling or you may fall asleep doing a pose that very negative effect. The important part is to relax with the attention that is to remain conscious and alert while still being at ease. Savasana is the practice of gradually relaxing one body part at a time one muscle at a time and one thought of relaxing, relax and only relax. With practice day after day, it conditions the body to release stress and can improve your sense of physical and emotional well-being.

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