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Whatever you called a pink bud or aromatic flower buds named after nail- super healer clove

Cloves is an evergreen tree which produce a flower bud that has numerous medicine properties, it’s has a shaft and head and hence fulfills Latin version named Clavus meaning Nail. As it has long history back to ancient Indian and Chinese civilizations and it spread to other parts of the world including Europe since 17th and 18thcenturies?Indigenous to Indonesia and Madagascar Cloves( Eugenia Caryophyllata)  found in nature as unopened pink flower bud hand -picked are dried until they turn brown. Hence can be used after grinding or powder or converted into essential oil for various medicinal purposes.

Cloves are excellent source of manganese; vitamin K and dietary fiber also have iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

Health benefits and medical use:

  • Most important part of clove is the presence of EUGENOL which has therapeutic use in dentistry as local anesthetic and antiseptic for teeth and gum.
  • Eugenol also has been found in researches that have capacity to reduce the blood sugar levels in diabetics though further detailed studies required as to establishment its benefits.
  • Its usefulness in decoction is something used in treating flatulence and indigestion in traditional medicine preparations.
  • Cloves have a natural anti-parasite (kills intestinal worms) function.
  • Cloves and its oil are used in aromatherapy or topically applying it to pillows at night for long term inhalation can result in positive effects.
  • The cloves oils have volatile functions as rubefacient, meaning that it irritates the skin and expand the blood vessels that induce the flow of blood to make the skin feel warmer which is also popular home remedy for arthritis and sore muscles used as a poultice or in hot baths.
  • Research has indicated that clove can be useful for treating premature ejaculations.
  • IT is used to clear the nasal passage as expectorant is a useful treatment of various respiratory disorders including coughs, cold, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and tuberculosis.
  • Clove and clove oil has effective home remedies for treating Sty, which is an inflammation on the eyelash and is very irritating and painful condition. It has also been shown to be preventative of other eye infection due to its antibacterial qualities.
  • One of the most power applications of clove is to fight candida something that continues to plague Americans because of their high sugar acidic diets.


Culinary use of clove since centuries to keep the fragrance and flavor intact, it grounded and added just before preparing the dishes at the end moment in kitchen since prolonged cooking can reduce the capacity of its essential oils.

It’s also has many usage from Clove cigarettes which trend all over the world, although traditionally, it also used other than as flavoring Agent , soaps , perfumes, as so on .

Cautions: though it facts that we should be very careful while using clove oils because it is very strong even in small quantities must be diluted before applications or ingestion, as Eugenol is no common and many people discover violent allergies if taken too  much at once. It also preliminary risk as include some intestinal discomfort which seem common among children and in some serious cases result in kidney and liver failure. The clove oil can cause blood sugar to drop so diabetics should be caution.

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